
clTEM is currently in development. Please report any bugs here.

clTEM is an OpenCL accelerate implementation of the multislice algorithm for simulating transmission electron microscope images. The use of OpenCL means that the code will run on any hardware (AMD, Nvidia and Intel), particularly designed to exploit the power of GPUs. Some example images are shown below.

TEM simulation CBED simulation

Figure Conventional TEM and CBED image from a simulated using an AMD Vega 56. The TEM image has simulated noise from a Gatan Orius camera and the CBED image has 10 TDS configurations.


Please cite clTEM using the Zenodo repository, or the following paper:

Jonathan J. P. Peters, A Fast Frozen Phonon Algorithm Using Mixed Static Potentials, Ultramicroscopy (2021)


The main features of clTEM are

clTEM interface theme

Figure Example screen-shots of the clTEM interface using the custom theme running on Windows 10.


The original code was written by Dr M. Adam Dyson and can be found here. This code was partly written as part of his PhD. Much of the code has been written with the help of Kirkland’s excellent book:

Earl J. Kirkland, Advanced Computing in Electron Microscopy, 2nd edition (2010)